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Society of Wild Weasels Newsletter June 2023

CINCWW's Corner

Fellow Weasels,
     In this May issue, on Memorial Day, we honor our members who made the ultimate sacrifice. In the virtual museum we have a section “We Remember” which has each Wild Weasel who was lost and some history about their experiences. Take a moment when you have time to look through that section and let us know what we missed when building the honorariums and give thanks that Weasels like this existed yesterday and today. For me these words from America the Beautiful have always stood out about our Patriots “Who more than self their country loved.” Our history as a Society is about love of country, support, mentorship and helping others. This Memorial Day I will personally pledge to redouble my efforts in honor of those that gave their all. We stand on the shoulders of giants throughout our 57-year history and their courage is at the core of who we are.
     As I write these words, I wanted to let you know that Brig Gen “Abu” Gandhi (our Society of Wild Weasels Vice) is now serving in the Middle East as a Wing Commander. Give em Hell Abu! We also have a short update on “Cursor” McKenzie as she continue her track in pilot training.
     Thanks for all the work from everyone on selecting the reunion site which is Eglin AFB and Fort Walton Beach. The 33 FW has graciously volunteered to host and there is much to see and do at Eglin. Dates are 11-14 April, and we will be staying at the Island Resort which has given us the best rate and support (so far) in the area. We have those links below.
     In this issue we have an interview with Lt Gen (ret) Denny Larsen whose career spanned many Commands, transitions to the F-16 Wild Weasel and combat employment. Fred Eschmann takes us through what it was like being a Lt Maintenance Officer during Linebacker 2. We also have some pictures of the River Rat Museum and some of the things that have been donated as possible Museum artifacts.
     The mentorship program has had a couple of people reach out for support and I want to thank Dave Perme, Jim Uken and Bob McNeese for their work in supporting these people. Also still advertising for slots if you have a High School rising junior, or senior interested in our 6-month intern program. Just let us know at It will be worth adding to their resume if they are applying for ROTC or an Academy position.
     We would be remiss if we didn’t congratulate Gen “CQ” Brown (WW #2797) for his nomination to be the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. His vision and strategic acumen coupled with the leadership he displays daily will be needed as we look to the future! Word from Willie is proud of you General! We have your back!
     Lastly, we keep an up-to-date copy of the Wild Weasel history briefing in the Virtual Museum under Legends. We have had calls for it with briefings to ROTC and Rotary Clubs and we stand by to support any of these briefs. If you write Sleet or I will ensure you are comfortable with the briefing and many thanks for sharing our

Very Respectfully
Budman Redmond
WW Society CINC

Fallen Wild Weasels

Raymond F. “Mr. 105” Kingston, WW #544, Pilot, F-105, 28 Sep 2021
Lynn R. Claxon, WW #1117, EWO, F-4C, 27 Mar 2023
Warren J. Kerzon, WW #432, Pilot, F-105F/G, 3 Apr 2023

Our Condolences to their families, friends, and brothers in arms. Hand
Salute! Rest in Peace!
L.A. Bud

Membership Update

New Members

We welcome the following new members:
Harold “Corky” Dillon, WW #2870, F-4G Pilot, Flight Surgeon, F-15E
Kristin “Mother” Hubbard, WW #2871, Pilot, F-16, F-35
L.A. Bud

Surviving Family Members

J Mark Holland, WW #154–Welcome
If you know of family members who qualify, have them contact us at:
L.A. Bud

Wild Weasel Happenings

52nd Wing / 480th FS – Our liaison to the Wing / Squadron, Pistol Pete Morello, represented the Society at the Wing change of command where Brig Gen (sel) Leslie “Toro” Hauck relinquished command to Col Kevin “HOBS” Crofton. On that same day he also attended the FS change of command saying farewell to “Rip” Loomis. Congratulations to all the commanders for sustaining and moving the Weasel mission forward.

Luke AFB—Jim Uken and Bob McNeese gave the Wild Weasel briefing to over 50 young F-35 pilots, great feedback and a job well done.

Recently Stan Goldstein WW#415, was asked to brief the Western AFROTC detachments on the history of the Wild Weasels. Stan has previously briefed AFROTC units in the Orlando area on the subject. Stan’s initial interface with the Dets was providing Air Warrior Courage Foundation Educational grants to the local universities. He was also asked to discuss antisemitism in the Air Force. Fortunately, he had not but was able to speak to the subject as he had seen and knew others not as fortunate.

Bob Brown will be giving the Weasel briefing as part of his work with the Texas Panhandle War Museum education program for High School and Middle School students.
Mike Kadlubowski as our Academy 35 CS liaison is attending the CS-35 Commissioning Ceremony on Wednesday, 31 May; and will say a few encouraging words to the new Lieutenants.
He will also attend Lt Col Glojek’s change-of-command on Friday, 2 Jun. Maj Jacque Vasta will be taking over. Kad will meet her and determine a good time for linking later.
This is a great time to thank Lt Col Glojek for his support to the Wild Weasel Society and his work in graduating multiple cadets. A Word from Willie is proud of you!
David Davis will be presenting the Weasel briefing to his rotary club in Austin in July.

50th Remembrance of those that served in Vietnam

The west end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., transformed into “Camp Legacy” for three days in May in honor and remembrance of those who served in Vietnam 50 years ago. The public event included museum exhibits, opportunities
for photos in static Vietnam-era helicopters, a chance to meet Vietnam veterans from all branches of service, and—most importantly—offer them a proper welcome home.

AFA’s Vietnam 50th Steering Committee, a volunteer task force comprised of AFA Field and Committee Leaders, assembled three full days’ worth of interactive panel discussions featuring firsthand accounts from Vietnam-era veterans and family members on topics ranging from “Wild Weasel” war stories and lessons in airpower to the effect the Vietnam War had on family life. Dave Brog organized the Wild Weasel SEA panel and discussed a rich history of tracking SAMS and the birth of the Wild Weasel mission from the F-100 through the F-105.

Buzz Barron, Stanry, Rudi Peksens and Dave Brog discuss their Vietnam
War experiences!

Thanks a big A Word from Willie Salute!!

“Tom Hanton and three other Vietnam POWs were featured on ABC
News. Well-done Hollywood!

Interview with Lt Gen (ret) Denny Larsen

Editor’s Note: Lt Gen Larsen commanded multiple Wings, 13th Air Force and was the AETC Vice Commander. He was an expert tester in the F-4G and was both an operations officer in the 480th FS and the Commander of the 81st FS where he led implementation of the Block 30 F-16 pairing with the F-4G. We kind of created tactics as we went during those days and Lt Col Larsen’s background and knowledge was instrumental in the success of the future Proven Force for DESERT STORM and later in the F-16 Weasel where he saw combat.

(1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself

I spent over 36 years in the Air Force. All of it was interesting and most of it was fun. When I was a junior in college and math and physics major, my birthday was selected first for the draft lottery for Vietnam. Only lottery I ever won but I feel I really won because it made me decide to go into the Air Force. The recruiter wanted me to be a pilot and while I didn’t know a lot about that lifestyle it seemed interesting to me. I was deferred to finish college and then went to OTS and Vance AFB to get my wings. I ended up with first pick of assignments not bad for someone who had never flown before. I went to MacDill for my F-4 checkout and then the 336th FS Rocketeers which was a great place for a young Lt. Got to go to Norway as a Lt but more than anything I learned a lot from our Vietnam veterans who were a wealth of knowledge. What they taught me can’t be bottled or sold and throughout my career I tried to give that back to the younger crews. I was then moved to Okinawa to fly F-4C Weasels, in the 67th . From there we went to Korea and flew WW Cap during DMZ tensions. Also went to Korat for the Saigon evacuation and then later to Taiwan for Air Defense alert. I was able to experience almost all missions of the F-4 as a young Lt and I was upgraded to IP as a Lt. Then I was able to attend Weapon School at Nellis before heading the George to fly the F-4G Weasels and their weapons officer, which I enjoyed and what I learned linked with my Weasel experience would help me in the future. After this I became the F-117s, 5th Operational Pilot. I then went to the Pentagon. I thought the Pentagon was going to kill me as a Lt Col but both Denny Haney and the Wing CC Jay Blume made a request, and I became a Wild Weasel again at Spangdahlem. After Senior Service School I went to CENTCOM as the IG, to solve some post war problems. Then I was off to Guam for my first wing cc job. Went to PACAF as the ADO (very short assignment) and then took over the F-117 Wing at Holloman. I followed that up with another Wing Command at PSAB Saudi Arabia. I did a tour as Commander AEF Center and then as the 7th AF Vice at Osan AB Korea.. After that I took over 13th AF building coalitions in the Pacific and finally as the AETC Vice Commander at Randolph AFB, where I retired.

(2) Tell us about your Wild Weasel experience

After F-4C Weasels, I was selected for Fighter Weapons School which was absolutely the hardest thing I ever did. I then went to George in the 39th Fighter Squadron and then the 562nd Fighter Squadron where I became a tester for the F-4G. This was a great time and I flew with people such as T-Bear Larson, Denny Haney and Tom Hanton as we prepared the F-4G for future operations. It really prepared me for the assignment at Spangdahlem, because we had just started getting our F-16 Block 30s and we were learning how to employ mixed elements of F-4Gs and F-16s daily. I enjoyed my tour as the 480th Ops O, but then was blessed to be the Commander of the 81st which was hands down my best job ever! Spangdahlem was great flying and the mix of crews was outstanding. My only regret was giving up the squadron a month to early to go to Senior Service School, and missed taking them to DESERT SHIELD/Storm.

Later I was picked to be the Prince Sultan Wing CC, nice thing about the job (one year remote), I got a checkout in the F-16, and a Weasel check out at Shaw. I was scheduled 3 times a week over Iraq and shot at an SA-6 during combat operations. On Prince Sultan we had 3 Countries, USA, USMC and USN so we
were a combined force daily.

(3) What I learned as a Wild Weasel

I loved it, I am glad I flew as an F-4C, F-4G, and F-16 CJ guy. My first lesson about the Weasels at Weasel school, was how demanding the mission was. One of my friends that went to weasel school with me, Skip Reese was killed in a Pop UP accident. Second lesson most folks didn’t want to be a weasel but sure as hell wanted them around on every mission. Mission Commanders wanted to know where and how the Weasels are going be there. A lot of our time was spent teaching non-Weasels how to use us to their best advantage. FILO is not just a battle cry, it’s what we did and people expected of us in combat! First in Last out is us! I also learned to plan for the future. As a tester we wanted to get great operational capability to the warfighter as fast as we could but it had to be right and as a Commander I made sure that every operators knew how to make their jets better by asking for capabilities and software changes.

One problem stands out. Starting at George I got to fly a lot of test missiles, in late 79, we had a test radar we wanted to see what its capability was against us. The F-4G flew most of the missions. None of our aircraft did well against the radar, but we kept on testing it and testing it. We then went to attack it with AGM- 65Ds, I was the flight lead and we had a tactic against them and used our SA to kill it. We finally got it, breaking its lock and killed it. We wrote it up and published it, got it published it in 3-1s. Go forward 20 years later, a young Captain was briefing Maj Gen Larsen on the threat reaction of the day. He briefed what we wrote up 22 years earlier. After the mission we debriefed the mission to the entire squadron. A proud moment.

(4) What did I miss?

Commanding people—having people wanting to perform! I believed in taking care of people, you have to make sure they understand the mission, I tried to instill that and pride in our people. I showed my face often, to know them and let them know me. Our first Holloman ORI showed how good they were.

I was blessed to be a Commander so often and I take that away as a
highlight of my career.

Lt Gen Denny Larsen ready to retire and has the wheels for it!

Word from Willie salutes Gen Larsen for his knowledge, mentorship and
overall being the Commander, you wanted when the chips were down!

Wild Weasel History Update

We are getting close to the official opening of the River Rats Museum will be from 11-15 Oct 2023 in Bowling Green Kentucky. Frank Alfter (our Assistant Historian and a big thanks to him) is our leader for donations for the Wild Weasel Section. Here are some of the things that are up for donation but not yet approved by the Rats:

81st Picture Board from DESERT STORM—special thanks to Bart Quinn!
Great Book courtesy of Bob Petit
20 MM Handle with a 105 Howitzer cup—Bob Petit!
Blood Chit for display with others

As you can see we want to see anything that you think is worthwhile please let us
Museum Link–MUSEUM – Red River Valley Fighter Pilot Association (
Please let Bearly or Frank review your donations prior.
Bearly Larry
Frank Alfter
SoWW Historians

Wild Weasel Reunion 11-14 April 2024

It’s official that the 2024 Wild Weasel Reunion will be held in Fort Walton Beach at the Island Resort Hotel, and we will be seeing the 33rd Fighter Wing which flies f-35s. We appreciate our volunteers who are part of the reunion committee! Here is the link to the hotel and we will put out a special NOTAM next month on registration and a tentative planning schedule:


Medical Update:

The River Rats VA AMIC Committee has been a great lead for the Society and Quack Bear has been our member and champion. In the Jan DOD Study, which the AMIC pushed hard for (and we supported) an increased military aircrew cancer incidence was confirmed using the U.S. general population as the primary
control. This DOD Study (study years 1992-2017) documented the following in DOD-only fixed wing aviators:

  • Melanoma cancer: 87% higher
  • Thyroid cancer: 39% higher
  • Prostate cancer: 16% higher
  • Cancers at all sites: 24% higher

In a first-ever cancer incidence study of military aviation support personnel (those working near/under the shadow of the aircraft wing), the following elevated cancer incidence was documented in the Jan 23 DOD Study (primary control was U.S.
general population [NIH data]):

  • Brain/CNS cancer: 19% higher
  • Thyroid cancer: 15% higher
  • Melanoma cancer: 9% higher
  • Kidney/renal pelvis cancer: 9% higher
  • Cancers at all sites: 3% higher

The PACT Act And Your VA Benefits | Veterans Affairs

Link to the RR Medical Page

Quack Bear

Air and Space Force Association Update

Lt Gen (ret) “Orville” Wright (WW#1483) really has the AFA doing important work. If you have not attended an event that he hosts with key leaders of today, you are missing key insights and the challenges and solutions our current Airmen face. I was really impressed with the ones I have attended through Zoom. Below
is a link to the 30 May Spouse Appreciation Day:

Col (Ret) Karl J. Eschmann (WW #2864) on Linebackers 1 & 2 as a Maintenance Officer

Editor’s Note: Karl has had a great life as an AF Officer and contractor and deployed all over the world to include tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. His perspective on life as a young Lt is a worthy read!

My Father was in the military (Army and Air Force) for 32 ½ years until he retired as a Chief Master Sergeant in 1974. I attended Texas A&M University and was in the A&M Corps of Cadets from 1967-1971. When I was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the USAF in 1971, I thought that I was really up to speed on how to lead a group of people – I was the all knowing kind of officer that would call the right shots every time to fix any problem. At least, I felt this way until my first real assignment after completing five months of technical school at Chanute AFB Illinois learning the ropes on becoming an Aircraft Maintenance Officer.

A few weeks after the North Vietnamese invaded the South during Easter week, 1972, I received my orders to report to the 388 Tactical Fighter Wing in Korat Royal Thai AFB. President Nixon had just ordered the initiation of the Linebacker I air offensives over areas of North Vietnam which had never been targeted before.
The intent was to provide some incentive and motivation to pressure the North Vietnamese to pull back and halt their ground invasion. I was assigned to be the maintenance officer for the 18 F-4E Phantom II fighter-bombers of the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron. Our job was an important one – to keep our aircraft in condition to fly two kinds of missions: (1) air-to-air missions against the North Vietnamese MIGS determined to stop our air attacks in coordination with their Surface-to-Air missiles (SAMs) and numerous anti-aircraft gun batteries; and (2) air-to-ground missions to support the South Vietnamese Army in holding the line and regaining lost ground, and to be a part of the F-105G Wild Weasel Hunter-Killer team against the many SA-2 SAM sites up North.

What I quickly learned was that it was not so much my knowledge or activities that made the operation work day after day, but one’s ability to understand the task, the limits of your resources to handle the task (people, spare parts, time, etc), and the pulling of these things and people together in a team approach to achieve the mission objectives. I found that most of the enlisted force were highly dedicated and ready to give their maximum effort – given that their leaders would properly delegate responsibilities to the lowest levels possible, provide the necessary guidance, protect their work force from being interrupted by others (bureaucrats, other agencies, sometimes even senior leadership), and give them the leeway to operate (which meant) stay out of their way unless they needed you to deal with obstacles they could not deal with). On a hot, humid, dusty and noisy flight line in 1972, my first group of co-workers taught me how to listen, lead and trust them to perform mission impossible types of tasks.

Our aircrews depended on us to provide them with fully operational equipment for their missions over the high threat environment in the dangerous skies of North Vietnam. Up until that first assignment, I had read numerous books and seen many lists that attempted to define the attributes of good, effective leaders. During the early stages of my one year tour in Southeast Asia, I had narrowed the list to basically three simple rules that guided me in every situation I found myself in for the next 25 years in the Air Force – for problems large or small. First, know your stuff; second, Be a Man, and third, always look after your People.

Knowing your stuff simply means to know your specialty, whom you must deal with in the daily process, and the structure of your organization (who had the powers to make things happen and make decisions). Know your business so that when your people came to you and ask, “What should we do in this circumstance?”, you can tell them. If you don’t know the answer, then tell them honestly, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” This works the same whether it’s going up or down the chain of command. Never try to bluff your way through serious situations. Bluffing in matters like air operations or safety is a surefire way of getting people hurt or even killed.

Be a man, there are no such things as great leaders; simply ordinary people tasked with tackling great challenges. An officer must be one of fair play, especially when his people are assigned the most difficult, back-breaking jobs. Avoid being a person who tries to pass on to the next fellow the most difficult jobs and won’t do them himself. If your unit ends up stuck with the short end of the stick, set the example and work as hard as your people under all conditions. If it is hot outside, avoid hiding in an air-conditioned office, or if it is raining during monsoon, get out there with them. Be truthful and never compromise integrity – you can be wrong on many occasions and survive, but even a small breach of integrity will cast doubts on your overall character and ability to lead.

The third rule – look after your people. This means many things you wouldn’t normally. think about. In the field, it means supplying your people with the proper equipment and things to be able to perform the job, training, clothing, water, and food. Let them know that if you are going to demand the maximum effort from them, you are going to do the maximum support for them as well. Pay attention to things like their annual performance reports and promotion recommendations. Link up their achievements to real needs of the Air Force and avoid using jargon that no one else understands. Basically, look after them and they will look after you. Avoid becoming just a manager of technology and become a true leader concerned with the welfare of the people.

These were my three simple rules – it amounted to doing the right thing, paying attention to details, large and small, and don’t do anything to embarrass your family, your service and your school. As General Robert E. Lee told his troops on April 1865, “Do the best that you know how to do – your nation demands of you no less than that!”

During the Linebacker II air offensives in December 1972, the US put forth a maximum bombing campaign against North Vietnam. It is often referred to as the “1972 Christmas Bombings”. All the things I had learned about leadership during the Linebacker I Phase came to a head in this 12-day offensive. The North Vietnamese had agreed in October to negotiations in Paris to end the war after losing the initiative in their massive invasion when US air power devastated their forces. A manpower drawdown of US personnel occurred in the Fall of ’72 as the negotiations progressed – after all, it seemed as though the war was over. Our unit was drained from the losses of personnel to the point where we only had one crew chief for every three of our possessed aircraft. When President Nixon ordered the new offensive on 18 December; it was quite unexpected by those of us in the theater. The North Vietnamese had walked out of the peace talks, and President Nixon was determined to motivate them to return and sign the proposed agreements.

Most of the middle level supervisors (Captains and Majors) at our base had taken Christmas leave and returned stateside for 2-3 weeks (leaving the youngest officers to watch over things during what was supposed to be a quiet period). The senior officers in my section had left me, a 2nd Lt with 4-months of experience, in
charge of the Fighter Section (the F-4s and F-105G Wild Weasels at Korat). We spent the next 12 days on 12-16 hour shifts supporting hundreds of missions to escort the B-52 bombers that dropped thousands of tons of bombs on critical war sustaining targets near Hanoi and Haiphong.

We all knew that if we were successful in this massive show of force, then the North Vietnamese would be convinced that it was in their best interests to return to the peace table, and our POWs would be returned home as part of the deal. The round-the-clock bombings did shock the North Vietnamese into returning to the talks, and in only a few weeks, the final negotiations led to the end of active US involvement in the war. But this did not happen without some cost to our side – 41 airmen, Air Force, Navy and Marines, were killed in the process when we lost 15 B-52s, several fighters, and a EB-66 Electronic Warfare aircraft. The Vietnam War had consumed over 3,700 fixed wing aircraft and over 7,500 helicopters in eight years of combat. Some years later, I wrote a book entitled “Linebacker: The Untold Story of the Air Raids Over North Vietnam” which was published by
Random House Ivey Books in 1989.

It was intended to fully describe the planning and execution of the Linebacker campaigns, document the supreme sacrifices of the American warfighters involved, and provide a summary of the lessons learned for future war planning for air campaigns. This paid off later for the Desert Storm effort, as many aircrews, combat planners and strategists used the book throughout the Iraqi air war to avoid the pitfalls of some faulty tactics we had discovered in Vietnam. The point of all this is that my entire successful 26 year career in the Air Force was kickstarted in a remote, dirty jungle war that wasn’t even supported by a large percentage of the American public. In this environment, a young 23 year old Lieutenant was responsible for 70 troops averaging about 19 years each in age and had to learn how to master the art of motivating diverse groups of people to perform to their maximum limits and beyond. Now, as a 73 year old, I am aware that the young troops are still just as eager to listen to advice that doesn’t change with time or type of equipment. Only the faces change, not the basic human elements. By witnessing first hand some of the horrors of war (on both sides, American and Vietnamese) early in my service career, I committed myself and any team that I worked with to provide the best possible systems to our warfighters to increase their chances for survival and safety on the battlefield. As witnessed lately, the dedicated efforts of a relatively few number of Americans supporting the defense of this nation has resulted in the demise of our Cold War opponents and the emergence of the US as the only real super-power on the planet. I am proud to have been a part of all that, and will strive to keep us in that position.

There is a memorial plaque in Lexington Green, Massachusetts over the graves of those Minutemen who gave their lives for America in 1775. It reads: “To assert and defend their native rights. They nobly dared to be free! Peace, Liberty and Independence of the United States of America was their glorious reward!” That is what the US military is all about. Our military has one central responsibility, and it performs that superbly – to protect the security of our nation. Our combat and support troops average about 180 days a year deployed away from home and are serving in 100 countries around the world. Thousands of our finest sons and daughters are standing watch because they find pride and satisfaction in preserving our freedom, as Americans have done for the past 248 years. And let’s not forget those many Americans that did not get to come home when they lost their lives in defense of America. I knew some very good people who didn’t make it out of Southeast Asia, people who would have become well known citizens if they had survived. I think of them often and made my commitments to always do my best in their places so that their sacrifices would have some meaning and purpose.

So there it is…I’ve been a few places, done a few things. But quite honestly, mine is a really typical story. This country is full of people like me who simply did their jobs with a sense of purpose to insure that no one is allowed to take away our basic right to live freely and take care of our families. The other unsung heroes of America are the spouses of the people in uniform. They support their spouse in uniform day after day, with long periods of family separations in the process. That is one of the unfortunate aspects of a military career, but one understood by generations of spouses who undergo this sacrifice. My wife Charlotte certainly fell into this category due to my numerous TDYs to get systems developed and tested over long periods of time. Meanwhile, she was having to do both of our jobs in raising the children and taking care of the daily business of maintaining the household.

Thanks Karl and a well done from Word from Willie!

Wild Weasel Models

We have some excellent modelers and one of those is Clint Beal whose F-16 and F-4 are a work of art.

Upcoming Events

23rd Fighting Hawks Reunion 19-21 September, If you are planning on
attending, please email to: with your name, callsign and how
many are attending.
Residence Inn Philadelphia West Chester/Exton for $119.00 USD per night
Reservation Link –
River Rats Museum Grand Opening 11-15 Oct 2023, Bowling Green Ky which
will be in conjunction with the River Rats Reunion
Wild Weasel Society Reunion—11-13 April 2024 Eglin AFB Florida, June
NOTAM will be out for everything related.

Next Issue:

(1) Interview with Lt Gen (Ret) Eric Fick who was PEO and Deputy PEO for the F-
(2) What is the Weapons School teaching about SEAD and DEAD? A look at both
the F-16 and F-35 WIC curriculum.
(3) Operations Updates—F-16s, F-35s and Abu serving as a Wing Commander

Checking in with one of our Wild Weasel Society Members

Formerly M & M has a new call sign “Cursor” Let it be written, let it be said! She got her 55th hour in the F16 and headed to Initial Flight Training in Feb. Cursor will start pilot training at Laughlin AFB on June 19.

Links of Interest:

In this section we will periodically scan links for reading.

This book by WW #2743 Buzz Barron details his adventures in Vietnam on the F-
105 as a crew chief. Great reading!

An article on General Brown’s nomination for CJCS

A great article which explains the why General Brown (WW #2797) was selected as the new CJCS

General Brown’s likely successor as AF CSAF

Keep your coin handy! ROE is in effect!